
Cinema Novo Competition: where schools cinema stand out?

by Porto/Post/Doc / 23 10 2024

With the aim of discovering and nurturing new talent, Cinema Novo brings together a selection of short films made by Portuguese students or students from Portuguese higher education institutions, in an annual showcase of the best work from the country’s film schools. This programme has the support of Canal 180. 


Alto da Eira, Tomás Guedes
PT, 2024, DOC, FIC, 27'

Between The Sea And The Island, José Rodrigo Freitas
PT, 2023, DOC, 24'

An Iron Crust, Vasco Barbedo
PT, 2024, 20’, DOC, EXP, 20'

Gardunha, Ana Vilela Costa
PT, 2024, FIC, 18'

The House Imagined, Marta Morais Miranda
PT, DOC, EXP, 18'

In My Life, José Lobo Antunes
PT, FIC, 18'

Slimane, Carlos Pereira
GE, 2023, FIC, 19'

Tale Of The Three Flames, Juliette Menthonnex
SW, PT, 2023, DOC, 20'

Where A Home Takes Root, Carolina Pinto
PT, 2023, DOC, 16'

Wind-Eye, Irina Oliveira
PT, 2023, DOC, EXP, 15'

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