New cinemas are expected to foreshadow ruptures: aesthetic, social, political, individual. That's what these school films – in the best sense of the term –, directed by Portuguese students or by students from Portuguese higher education institutions, bring to us. Between animation and documentary, between Sri Lanka and Couto de Esteves, Cinema Novo Competition features thirteen films within an eclectic selection.
Besides twelve films in competition, the festival also screens "Somewhere In Outer Space This Might Be Happening Somehow", by Paulo Malafaya, high school student at Escola Artística de Soares dos Reis.
The two sessions of Cinema Novo Competition will take place during the first weekend of the festival, on November 23rd and 24th, at 5:00 p.m., at Cinema Passos Manuel. This year, the festival has enhanced the support for this section and the best film in competition will receive a prize money by Canal180 and services by BLIT and Show Reel.
The festival takes place between November 23rd and December 1st, in several venues of the city (Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli, Cinema Passos Manuel and Planetário do Porto).
The 2019 edition of Porto/Post/Doc has the support of Câmara Municipal do Porto, Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual (ICA) - Ministério da Cultura, CVRVV - Vinho Verde and several other partners.