
Do Pensamento

Do Pensamento · Of Thought

2019, PT, 90'

Forum of the Real 2019

29 Nov 2019 · Passos Manuel · 17H00

To identify, to marvel, to recognize or to conquer: identity lead us to think. This is why we find ourselves at this panel with a philosopher, an essayist and a filmmaker who have devoted a substantial part of their work to reflecting upon identities, directly or indirectly. We talk about aesthetic issues, such as the perception of the diversity of the world and of those who inhabited it, but we also talk about ethical, political, discursive and psychic issues. Literature, cinema and philosophy will be on the foreground of the discussion in order to strip this intricate concept, within a dialogue that will be extended to the audience. Identity cards will not be requested upon entry.


António Guerreiro (essayist)
António Guerreiro, graduated in Modern Languages ​​and Literatures, actually is chronicler for Público newspaper and editor of Electra magazine. Concerning essays, he has published articles on literature (especially contemporary poetry), art and culture in specialized magazines and collective volumes. Walter Benjamin and Aby Warburg are the authors he has been devoted to in recent years within his research work.

Marie-José Mondzain (philosopher)
Marie-José Mondzain is a philosopher, research director at the Center National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris, and one of the greatest figures in contemporary thought. Considered a fundamental reference of contemporary thinking, Mondzain has contributed to the vital debate about the persuasive power of images, articulating the field of aesthetics with the greatest ethical concerns. Some of her titles include A Imagem pode matar?, Le Commerce des Regards and Images (à suivre).

Valérie Massadian (director)
Valérie Massadian is a Franco-Armenian photographer and filmmaker. From her previous experience in photography Massadian inherited the freedom and rigor of face-to-face to cinema. Her work focuses mainly on female characters and their animality, on how they relate to the world and nature. Massadian's films have been awarded at recognized in several international film festivals such as Locarno, Doclisboa, Entrevue or FICUNAM.

Chair: Luís Lima

Free entrance