
Quiero Lo Eterno

Quero o Eterno · I Want the Eternal

Miguel Ángel Blanca

2017, ESP, 75', M12

Carte Blanche FICX 2018 / Cinefiesta 2018

29 Nov 2018 · Cinema Trindade · 15H00

The gang advances through the darkness of an abandoned city. While the world asks for help, they only seem troubled by destroying the past and burning the roots. They dream of being the primal generation and not belonging to anything. They want to be the new art, to find eternity and finally to disappear. Teenagers, lo-fi science fiction, nihilism, and to cross to the other side.

Corre Brilla Luz Luz
Miguel Ángel Blanca & Jordi Díaz Fernández
2018, Espanha, 19’